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Notifying Winners and Printing Results Printable Quick Reference Cards (QRCs):

After bid results have been entered into the system, auction assistants (or higher-level members) can notify the winners through automatically generated bulk email and text messages, and by printing the results of each section or table, or printing all the results. These options are available for purchasers of the Bidsheet Plus™ or higher level packages.

Text messages can only be received IF the bidder's cell phone number is saved in the Contact record AND they have not selected to Opt Out of text messages originating from Silent Auction Pro™.

For more information on text message Opt Out options, see our help page on text notifications.

Before you notify winners or close a section be sure you have created your Winners' Email!
  1. Navigate to Communication Tools and choose the Create Winners Email option.
  2. Enter information for your winners - what do you want them to know about payment and pick up. The information you enter here will be part of the automated email sent by the system detailing what items have been won.
    For more info on prepping for auction close and check out, see the Check Out PREP for Events with Online Bidding or Check Out PREP for Events with Bidsheet Bidding
To notify winners
  1. Click the Check In & Check Out menu and choose the Notify Winners / Print Results option.
  2. Choose a section number from the Select a section #… drop-down list.
  3. Click the Notify winners button and, after reviewing the dialog box, click OK.
Group administrators can set up a general notice in advance (primarily used for issuing payment and pick-up instructions) via Group Admin > Edit Group. This general notice is then appended to the automatic notification emails. For example, the bidder is notified that she has won a specific item (via Notify Winner) and is also instructed on where to pay and how to pick up the item (via the payment and pick-up instructions set by the group administrator). See Editing a Group for more information.

To print section results

  1. Click the Check In & Check Out menu and choose the Notify Winners / Print Results option.
  2. Choose a section number from the Select a section #… drop-down list.
  3. Click the Print section result button.
Only sections that have winning bids will show up in the Select a section #… drop-down list. If you did not group your auction items into sections you can still print results by selecting All results from the drop-down list. (Read more about Sections and how to use them here.)