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Displaying Auction Results

Groups using the Bidsheet Pro™ or Mobile Pro™ packages can easily display their auction results in a variety of different ways including;

Scrolling Marquee Leaderboard

The scrolling marquee leaderboard option displays your choice of auction items by auction type or all auction types. Only those auction types that are in use for the current event are displayed in the select list. The current bidding status is refreshed approximately every 10 seconds. Three items are presented per page and they scroll approximately every 7.5 seconds. Only auction types that have the "Show in program guide" option set to Yes will be displayed in the scrolling marquee. This is particularly helpful when the "All auction items" option is selected as it provides an easy way to exclude certain types of item such as a Fund-A-Need from showing in the scrolling display

Proceeds Barchart Leaderboard

The proceeds barchart leaderboard option displays your choice of auction items by auction type or all auction types. Only those auction types that are in use for the current event are displayed in the select list. With this option you may choose to show bidder names or not by checking or unchecking the Show bidder names checkbox. If unchecked, bidder names will be replaced by the words Thank You! and this will be repeated for each bidder indicting the total number of bids recorded and represented by the page. You can also specify a goal amount that will set the top of the barchart. This option would typically be used to project the realtime bidding status during a Fund-A-Need type event. This page refreshes every 5 seconds.

Bidding Grid Leaderboard

The bidding grid leaderboard option displays the current bidding status as a grid sorted by bidder number. The display refreshes every 15 seconds as long as the current bidding status can be displayed on one page. With the browser window maximized, the number of results that are displayed is primarily a function of a device's screen resolution as well as the default font size.

Silent Auction Pro™ detects the screen resolution and adjusts the number of rows presented in each table in an attempt to display all results on a single page. If the results do not fit on a single page, the automatic refresh is disabled. In this case, the page should be refreshed manually and scrolled to display all results toward the end of the auction.

If you change your screen resolution after clicking the Display All Results link, you must close the results window and regenerate the display by clicking the link again.
To launch a leaderboard
  1. Click the Communication Tools > Event Display Features menu option.
  2. Choose a leaderboard from the Leaderboards and other display features section of the page and make your selection from the appropriate drop-down box.
  3. Click the appropriate, corresponding Display… button.