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After the Auction

There are typically a few tasks that need to be done after your event, including:

  1. Any final editing or updating of the auction results
  2. Reconciling items against invoices
  3. Dispositioning auction items that were not picked up or paid for
  4. Deleting stored credit cards for attendees with cards on file
  5. Sending out thank-you letters

Silent Auction Pro™ can help with all these tasks.

In order to provide enough time to make minor changes to your auction results, Silent Auction Pro keeps your event information live and editable for 60 days after your event. During this time you can edit all event data including ticket status, donation and auction item data and modify the winning bid information from the Auction Day page.

During this 60 day period you cannot create a new event. You may create a new event only after the 60 day post-auction period has passed.

On the 61st day following your event, the event database closes and you will no longer be able to edit ticket status, donations, or auction data for the previous event. You will continue to have full access to the previous event results as well as the ability to reconcile invoices and print thank-you letters for up to one year after your event.

You always have full access to your contacts database and can add, delete, and update contacts at any time. If you continue to use Silent Auction Pro on at least a yearly basis, all your data is kept for your use and will not expire.