Donations     |     17 April 2024

7 Things To Do to Receive More Donations Online + 4 Platforms You Can Use

Unlocking online donations: A strategic guide for nonprofits

15 minute read

A young woman in a coffee shop, making an online
								donation to her favorite charity

The shift towards digital has opened up new avenues for nonprofits to connect with supporters and secure funding. Online donations have become a cornerstone for charitable organizations, providing a quick and accessible way for individuals to contribute to causes they care about. Mastering how to receive donations online is no longer optional; it's a crucial element of any nonprofit's fundraising strategy. 

Let’s take a look into practical steps and insights to help your nonprofit better understand how to receive donations online and which platforms can help them do it. 

Understanding the digital donor

Before you can get into the nitty-gritty of how to receive more donations online, you have to consider your audience. Who are the people clicking through to give their support online? Generally, the digital donor is diverse, spanning various ages, locations, and reasons for giving. However, they all share a common thread: the desire for a smooth, transparent, and secure donation experience. Trust and clarity stand at the forefront of their concerns. 

Donors want to know how their contributions will be used and what impact they will have. A transparent donation process reassures them that their money is going where it should, cementing their trust in your organization and potentially leading to ongoing support. 

Accepting digital donations doesn’t mean your organization no longer takes cash or checks. Instead, you’re adding another option to ensure that those who want to support your cause can do so easily. 

Tips on improving how to receive donations online

1. Crafting a captivating landing page

First impressions are crucial, especially in the digital space with short attention spans. A well-crafted landing page for your nonprofit can be the difference between a visitor becoming a donor or moving on. The secret sauce is to keep it simple and compelling and ensure your calls to action (CTAs) are clear and inviting.

A successful landing page speaks directly to the visitor's desire to make a difference. Use high-quality images and videos that showcase the impact of your work. These visuals, combined with concise and powerful storytelling, can evoke a strong emotional response. Your narrative should be clear: "Here's the problem, here's what we're doing about it, and here's how you can help." Wrap this up with an unmistakable CTA, like "Donate Now" or "Join Us," placed prominently on the page. Make the process of contributing as straightforward as possible, and people will respond. 

Silent Auction Pro allows you to create customized landing pages promoting your organization and cause. You can even choose a custom URL to ensure your supporters can easily find you online. 

2. Sharing impact through success stories

There's something profoundly compelling about a personal story. It transforms abstract numbers and goals into relatable human experiences. When potential donors can see and hear directly from those who have been impacted by their contributions, it not only validates your organization's work but also creates a deeper emotional connection.

When selecting stories to share, look for those that best illustrate the change your organization is making. That could be a beneficiary whose life was transformed by your program or a volunteer who shares their journey of involvement and impact. Present these stories through videos, blog posts, or featured sections on your website. The key is authenticity—the genuine gratitude and the tangible results shine through.

Remember to make sharing easy. Include social media buttons and encourage visitors to spread the word. The power of personal recommendation, especially through social media, can significantly extend the reach of these success stories.

3. Amplifying your message on social media

Social media is a powerful megaphone for your nonprofit's cause. The key to leveraging it effectively lies in understanding its role in creating conversations and building community around your cause.

Creating shareable content is your gateway to tapping into network effects. Think about what makes content go viral—it's usually engaging, emotion-evoking, and relatable. Create posts that encourage interaction, such as asking your followers to share their reasons for supporting your cause or to tag friends who might be interested. Use hashtags strategically to increase the visibility of your posts beyond your immediate network.

Make sure to consider the timing and frequency of your posts. Regular updates keep your audience engaged, but bombarding them can lead to unfollows. Balance is key. Additionally, customize your message to the platform you're using. What works on Instagram might not work on LinkedIn. Instagram stories, live videos on Facebook, or Twitter Q&A sessions can be great ways to engage different segments of your audience on the platforms where they spend their time.

4. Encouraging donations with incentives

Adding a little extra motivation for donors can go a long way. Incentives, such as matching gifts, create a powerful lever to encourage more generous giving. For instance, announcing that all donations over a specific period will be matched dollar for dollar by a corporate sponsor can double the impact of the donor's contribution, making the act of giving even more appealing.

A shining example of an incentive-driven campaign is the annual #GivingTuesday, where organizations and companies come together to match donations. This example boosts the total funds raised and creates a sense of urgency and community around the event. Small incentives, like exclusive content, merchandise, or recognition on your website, can also motivate donors without requiring a substantial financial commitment.

5. Establishing a monthly giving program

Recurring donations form the backbone of sustainable funding for many nonprofits. Setting up a monthly giving program ensures steady support, allowing for better planning and execution of long-term projects. For donors, it's an easy and convenient way to contribute regularly without initiating a donation each time.

Promoting your monthly giving program can start with highlighting the convenience and impact of regular donations on your website and social media channels. Offering special recognition for monthly donors, such as naming them in newsletters or on a dedicated section of your website, can also create a sense of belonging and appreciation. Clear, straightforward signup processes and flexible payment options are key to encouraging more signups.

6. Engaging donors through email marketing

Email remains one of the most effective tools for engaging with donors. The secret is personalization and relevance. Segment your email list to send targeted messages that connect with different groups of supporters. For example, updates based on past donation history, event attendance, or volunteer involvement can make your messages feel more personal and relevant. With Silent Auction Pro, you can easily create customized templates to send personalized emails, texts, or letters. 

A best practice is to craft email campaigns that tell a story — updates about your projects, stories from beneficiaries, or messages from your team can make your communications feel more human and engaging. Remember, every email should have a clear purpose: inform, thank, solicit feedback, or encourage donations.

Follow-up is equally important. Thanking donors for their contributions and showing them the impact of their donations can foster a lasting relationship and encourage future support.

7. Hosting creative virtual fundraising events

Virtual fundraising events have opened up possibilities for engaging supporters, regardless of their physical location. From online auctions to virtual galas or webinars with experts, these events can be fun and effective in raising funds.

Planning is crucial. Start by choosing a format that aligns with your audience's interests and your organization's goals. Promoting the event through all available channels — email, social media, and your website — is essential for driving attendance. Make sure the registration process is straightforward and the event technology is accessible to all participants.

Interactive elements, like live Q&As, polls, and challenges, can keep attendees engaged and encourage participation. Following up after the event with a thank you message, highlights, and information on how the funds will be used keeps the momentum going and lays the groundwork for future events.

Platform showcase: Facilitating how to receive donations online

Knowing which platforms to use to receive online donations can be overwhelming, but the right option can turn this difficult task into a walk in the park. While there seem to be countless options available, several continue to gain popularity. Let's take a closer look at what makes each one shine and why Silent Auction Pro might just be the standout choice for your nonprofit.

GoFundMe: The people's platform

Gofundme logo

GoFundMe has carved out its niche as the go-to platform for personal and nonprofit crowdfunding campaigns. Its user-centric design and vast audience reach make it a powerful tool for quick fundraising drives; even though crowdfunding and fundraising are quite different, some nonprofits enjoy the simplicity of sourcing funds via GoFundMe. 

Key Features:

  • Quick and easy campaign setup
  • Visual storytelling with photos and videos
  • Goal thermometer to track progress
  • Access to a wide audience for increased visibility
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Withdraw funds anytime without a goal impact
  • Operates in 19 countries

GoFundMe doesn’t charge nonprofits an annual or monthly fee, but it does take 2.9% + $0.30 from every donation. 

OneCause: Your event fundraising ally

Donorbox logo

OneCause steps up to the plate, focusing on making event fundraising and management as seamless as possible. It’s the friend you didn't know you needed, helping you organize, promote, and execute engaging events that donors will remember.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive event planning and ticketing
  • Mobile bidding and live auction support
  • Peer-to-peer fundraising capabilities
  • Tools for virtual events and campaigns
  • Text-to-give options for easy donations

OneCause offers a variety of packages and plans to meet different kinds of nonprofit needs. To get the specific prices for your organization, you must schedule a consultation. 

Donorbox: Streamlining donations

Donorbox logo

Donorbox simplifies the donation process, offering a robust, flexible platform for nonprofits of all sizes. It's about making giving as straightforward as possible for donors and as beneficial as possible for organizations.

Key Features:

  • Customizable, on-brand donation forms
  • Crowdfunding with goal thermometers and donor walls
  • Membership and event page creation
  • Text-to-give and peer-to-peer campaign functionality
  • Integration with major payment methods and platforms
  • Support for multiple currencies and languages
  • Detailed donor management and reporting

DonorBox offers various plans and packages, starting at a 1.75% platform fee for the Standard program, $139 a month for its Pro package, and customized pricing for its Premium services. 

Silent Auction Pro: A comprehensive fundraising solution

Silent Auction Pro logo

Silent Auction Pro offers a full-fledged event management and fundraising suite beyond the traditional auction platform. Its unique blend of features and an unwavering commitment to customer service make it a great choice for nonprofits looking for a comprehensive solution.

What Makes It Stand Out:

  • A broad spectrum of auction and fundraising tools, including online and mobile bidding, fixed-price items, and outbid notifications
  • Customizable event management features like donor tracking, customized landing pages, and detailed reporting
  • Seamless ticketing and seating management, complete with a drag-and-drop tool for easy organization
  • A focus on community and engagement, with tools for marketing, communications, and recurring donations
  • Dedicated support, including free guidance from a personal event coach

When comparing these platforms, it's clear that while each has its strengths, Silent Auction Pro offers a holistic approach to event management and fundraising. Its wide range of features and personalized support positions it as an ideal partner for nonprofits looking to streamline their efforts and maximize their impact. Whether planning a silent auction, a gala event, or a simple fundraising campaign, Silent Auction Pro has the tools and expertise to help you succeed.

Discover a world of possibilities with Silent Auction Pro

Images of a tablet, computer, and mobile phone
								presenting Silent Auction Pro

The right tools can significantly improve your fundraising efforts. From the simplicity of a good landing page to effectively using social media and the versatile donation processing of using the right platform, your nonprofit can effectively learn how to receive donations online. 

When it comes to a comprehensive solution that truly understands nonprofits' needs and offers a customized, feature-rich experience, Silent Auction Pro is a distinctive choice. Our commitment to supporting your fundraising from start to finish, combined with an array of tools designed to engage and delight your donors, sets us apart as a partner in your mission to make a difference.

We encourage you to see Silent Auction Pro in action. Discover how its intuitive design, extensive features, and dedicated support can elevate your fundraising efforts. Request a demo today and take the first step towards transforming your online donations and event management. Let Silent Auction Pro help you unlock the full potential of your fundraising activities, leaving you more time to focus on what really matters – your cause.

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Becca Wallace   | Product Director

Getting a grass roots upbringing in charity events and auctions, Becca's background in volunteering helps her understand the needs of everyday and seasoned professional event planners alike. Her passion for using technology to make things easier drives her UI | UX design aesthetic to continually refine Silent Auction Pro. With 15 years of event planning experience and almost 10 years of software and user expereince design behind her, Becca works tirelessly to advance Silent Auction Pro to be simple, sophisticated and user-friendly.

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