Text to Give     |     24 April 2024

The Complete Guide to Text To Give Fundraising for Nonprofits

How text-to-give empowers your nonprofit's fundraising efforts

12 minute read

Close-up photograph of someone using a smartphone
								to make text-to-give donation

No one who works in the nonprofit industry claims that fundraising is easy, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with its rewards. Teams often find themselves juggling the dual pressures of engaging potential donors and managing the logistical complexities of fundraising campaigns. It's a familiar story: you're constantly looking for strategies that simplify these processes, boost donor engagement, and, most importantly, raise the funds your cause desperately needs.

That’s where a text-to-give program can be a huge help. Read on to learn everything you need about creating a text-to-give campaign and how Silent Auction Pro can help make the most of your fundraising efforts. 

What exactly is text-to-give?

At its core, text-to-give is a fundraising strategy that allows donors to contribute through a simple text message. Your supporters can send a donation with the same ease as texting a friend about dinner plans. This approach harnesses the power of mobile technology to make donating as hassle-free as possible.

Fitting it into modern fundraising strategies

Text-to-give fits into modern fundraising like a key into a lock. It acknowledges a universal truth—our smartphones are a central part of our lives. With most people accustomed to instantaneous digital transactions, incorporating a method that allows donors to act on their generous impulses in real time is a stroke of genius. Your organization can go beyond keeping up with the digital age and start tapping into the spontaneous generosity that often strikes when a cause moves people.

The mutual benefits of text-to-give

The appeal for donors is obvious: convenience and immediacy. There's no need to deal with lengthy online forms or write checks. With a few taps on a smartphone, their contribution is on its way to making a difference. This ease of use encourages spontaneous donations, especially in moments when your campaign message resonates deeply with the audience.

Nonprofits stand to gain significantly as well. Text-to-give opens up a channel for increased engagement and donation opportunities. It allows organizations to connect with their supporters in real-time, at events, or through social media, making every moment a potential fundraising opportunity. Text-to-give also offers a gateway to younger demographics who might prefer digital-native methods of interaction and contribution.

This method also aligns perfectly with the trend towards more agile, responsive fundraising strategies. When every second counts, capitalizing on the peak moments of donor motivation can be a game-changer.

Launching your text-to-give campaign

Start with the right platform

The first step is choosing the ideal platform for your text-to-give campaign. It must be sturdy, reliable, and equipped with all the necessary features to create a successful campaign. Look for a platform that offers ease of use, robust support, and detailed reporting capabilities. It should also integrate with your existing donor management systems and provide a secure, user-friendly experience for your team and donors.

Silent Auction Pro offers a variety of features that make creating and executing a text-to-give campaign a breeze, including securing more recurring donations. Explore our Giving Campaign demo by texting the word ''Giving'' to 8889909876. 

Registering your nonprofit and setting up

Once you've selected your platform, the next step is to register your nonprofit and start mapping out your campaign, which involves creating a unique text code and campaign message that reflect your fundraising goals and connect with potential donors. 

Marketing your text-to-give number

A smart phone using the Facebook app to send a
								message about a new text-to-give campaign

With your campaign set up, it's time to let the world know. Marketing your text-to-give number means inviting your community on a journey with you. Utilize every channel at your disposal – email newsletters, social media, your website, and even physical materials like posters and flyers at events. The goal is to make your text-to-give number visible and memorable.

Best practices for your campaign

The art of the message

Creating messages that inspire action is crucial. Your communication should be clear, concise, and compelling. Share stories that illustrate the impact of donations, and don't be shy about expressing gratitude. Each message is an opportunity to connect personally and reinforce the value of contributing to your cause.

Timing the ask

Timing your ask is crucial. Align your requests with moments when your audience is most receptive – during events, in response to relevant news, or after sharing a particularly moving story. Avoid overburdening your donors with too frequent asks; aim for strategic timing that maximizes impact and engagement.

Integrating fundraising and social media

Integrating your text-to-give campaign with social media and other fundraising efforts is essential. Encourage sharing, create hashtags, and engage with your community online. Each social media post is a way to guide more supporters to your cause.

Impact of text-to-give on fundraising

Success stories

Text-to-give campaigns have led to remarkable successes from small nonprofits to large organizations. For example, the Red Cross raised over $42 million after the 2010 Haiti earthquake. The campaign was simple: donors could text “HAITI” to the shortcode 90999. The $10 donation appeared on the donor’s phone bill. The best part is that donors didn’t just give; they also encouraged friends and family to give as well. 

NBC4 and Telemundo also had a wonderful text-to-give campaign that raised over $2.2 million for their Help for the Hungry campaign. To send their gifts, donors could text "H4H" to the shortcode number 41444. 

Along the same lines, Sam’s Club raised money for local food banks by having people text "HUNGER" to 35350. While the campaign was able to hit its goal of $225,000, it made some mistakes. Sam’s Club didn’t confirm the campaign on its website or social media channels, and the fundraiser's landing page quickly became outdated. These seemingly small mistakes gave donors pause and reduced the speed at which Sam’s Club reached its goal. 

Donor trends and behaviors

An analysis of donation trends and behaviors can reveal a wealth of insights. Text-to-give has been shown to attract a diverse range of donors, particularly younger generations who prefer digital interactions. By understanding these trends, nonprofits can effectively adapt their strategies to engage a broader audience.

Addressing challenges

Security and privacy

Security and privacy are paramount in the digital age. Addressing these concerns head-on reassures donors that their information is protected. Ensure your platform complies with all relevant regulations and standards and communicate this commitment to your supporters.

Maintaining engagement

The initial text is just the beginning. Maintaining engagement beyond the first donation is key to building lasting relationships with your supporters. Follow up with updates on how their contributions are making a difference and invite them to stay involved through volunteer opportunities, events, and ongoing communication.

Advanced strategies for maximizing text-to-give donations

Getting the most from your text-to-give campaigns involves creativity and strategic planning. Here's how to improve your efforts and connect more meaningfully with your donors.

Segmenting donor lists for personalized messaging

Personalization can significantly boost donor engagement. By segmenting your donor list based on past giving behavior, interests, or demographic information, you can customize your messages to resonate more deeply with each group. A personal and relevant message is much more likely to inspire action.

Leveraging holidays and special events

Timing can be everything in fundraising. Aligning your text-to-give campaigns with holidays or special events can tap into the spirit of generosity accompanying these occasions. Connecting your campaign to these moments can increase its visibility and appeal, whether it’s a season of giving or a day of global awareness.

Implementing matching gift campaigns

Nothing motivates donors like the idea that their contribution could have double the impact. Setting up matching gift campaigns, where a corporate partner or major donor matches donations, can encourage people to take action, knowing their gift goes further. It’s a powerful way to drive engagement and increase donations.

The future of text-to-give in nonprofit fundraising

As technology evolves, so do the opportunities for innovative fundraising strategies. Here are some of the upcoming ones:

Emerging trends and technologies

Emerging technologies, from AI-driven analytics to enhanced mobile experiences, are set to make text-to-give even more effective and engaging. Staying informed about these trends and being ready to adopt new practices can keep your nonprofit ahead of the curve. 

How nonprofits can stay ahead of the curve

Investing in ongoing training for your team and staying connected with a community of nonprofit professionals can help your organization leverage the latest fundraising innovation. Attending conferences, webinars, and workshops focused on digital fundraising strategies will ensure you always learn and improve.

Luckily, Silent Auction Pro works hard to keep up with new trends and share that information with you through our webinars, blogs, and help center. We do the research and training so you can focus on your organization. 

Adopt a text-to-give strategy with Silent Auction Pro

Scrabble titles that read ''Start Making

Text-to-give offers a unique blend of convenience, immediacy, and effectiveness that can significantly upgrade your nonprofit's fundraising efforts. By adopting a strategic approach, leveraging the right technologies, and staying attuned to evolving trends, your organization can harness the power of text-to-give to connect with donors in meaningful ways and drive impactful fundraising results.

Let Silent Auction Pro help you embrace the opportunities for text-to-give presents. Request a free demo of our Giving Campaign program and see how Silent Auction Pro can transform your nonprofit's approach to fundraising, one text at a time.

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Breanne Jones   | Sales & Marketing Expert   |   Hawaii

As a seasoned advocate for positive change and community upliftment, Breanne has seamlessly merged her passion for sales and marketing with a purpose-driven role at Silent Auction Pro. With over two decades of experience, from revitalizing communities to supporting transformative causes, Breanne's journey reflects a steadfast commitment to making a difference where it truly counts. Her extensive background uniquely qualifies Breanne to craft engaging and informative blogs for Silent Auction Pro, drawing upon her expertise in both marketing and fundraising to provide valuable insights and perspectives. Now, as the Sales and Marketing Manager at Silent Auction Pro, Breanne bridges technology with purpose, connecting with like-minded individuals and organizations to drive missions forward.

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