ThriftBooks $50 Gift Card
Value: $50
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ThriftBooks has generously provided a $50 gift card code for the winning bidder.
ThriftBooks is the world's largest online independent used book seller, operating with state-of-the-art automation and advanced analytics in a safety-first environment. Based in Seattle, Washington, with regional processing centers around the country, ThriftBooks hand-grades every book in their inventory and offers books in a variety of formats and conditions for their customers. They pride themselves on their wide assortment of quality used, accurately graded books provided to their customers at everyday low prices. They believe in books and the power of the written word to impact lives and societies across the globe, and they cherish their role in saving books to live another day to educate, entertain, inspire, and transform lives.
ThriftBooks is the world's largest online independent used book seller, operating with state-of-the-art automation and advanced analytics in a safety-first environment. Based in Seattle, Washington, with regional processing centers around the country, ThriftBooks hand-grades every book in their inventory and offers books in a variety of formats and conditions for their customers. They pride themselves on their wide assortment of quality used, accurately graded books provided to their customers at everyday low prices. They believe in books and the power of the written word to impact lives and societies across the globe, and they cherish their role in saving books to live another day to educate, entertain, inspire, and transform lives.
This gift card code does not expire, but will require the winner to sign up for a (free) ThriftBooks account to utilize the code.The ASHFoundation team will reach out to you within one week of the Silent Auction closing to share this gift card code.
Thank you for supporting the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation's 2024 Silent Auction.
Please note: All winning bids will be processed with the credit card on file and will incur a 2.9% transaction fee. Given the nature of the silent auction, all sales are final.
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The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID 52-6055761