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Is it safe to store credit card information?

To protect card-holder data from a rising tide of hackers and thieves, credit card companies created the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, or PCI DSS for short. This is a set of requirements that all businesses—regardless of size—must adhere to in order to accept credit card payments. Silent Auction Pro™ partners with CardConnect and Worldpay to offer fully PCI DSS compliant credit card processing using state-of-the-art encryption and security measures.

Silent Auction Pro entire site uses HTTPS connections which encrypt data before transmitting that data over the Internet. This is the same encryption used by banks and other financial institutions. Cards placed on file for future transactions, such as for express check-out, use "tokens" to access card data. Tokens are random values that replace credit card numbers in a database, while the encrypted values they represent remain locked in a data vault. If these tokens were in some way captured, they could not be used to direct payments anywhere but to the organization to which the card data was provided. Therefore, there is no point in unscrupulous persons trying to capture or use the tokens.

In addition, both CardConnect and Worldpay point-of-sale transactions—i.e., swiping a card at the time of purchase—securely encrypt the credit card data.

With both Worldpay and CardConnect, as an extra precautionary measure after a charitable event, group administrators may delete all stored credit card data from their Worldpay/CardConnect merchant account, thus eliminating the possibility of cards being used for future transactions.