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Packaging Auction Items

Packaging is the act of physically combining donations together into auction items based on the results of Creating an Auction Item Bundle.

Depending on the number of items, packaging might be accomplished on the day of an event. For more than 50 items, you should plan to complete the packaging process a day or two before your event to provide enough time for inventorying and identifying the individual items. Packaging items well before the event gives you time to follow up with contact owners or directly with donors if there are missing items or other questions.

Auction administrators can access the Donations to Auction Items Cross Reference report to aid in packaging items.

To package donations into auction items
  1. Click the Reports & Exports menu and choose the Additional Reports & Exports option.
  2. Click the Donations to Auction Items Cross Reference link.
  3. By default, the page is sorted by Auction ID. Click Print to print one copy.
  4. Now, sort the page by Donation ID. Click Print to print one copy.
  5. For auction items containing only gift certificates:

    For auction items containing only physical donations:

  6. Note any missing donations and follow up with the member who owns that contact to locate the missing donation. If you are missing any gift certificates, the software can generate them for you. See Printing Gift Certificates.