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Creating Fixed Price and Multiple Winner Auction Items Printable Quick Reference Cards (QRCs):

While most silent or live auction items are destined to be sold to the highest bidder, there is a case for selling one or more items at a pre-determined, fixed price. This is especially useful when an item can have multiple winners—such as a bus trip with 20 available seats or a dinner party for eight—and you want to sell each of the items for the same price.

Selling these fixed price items online?

Enter your donation as a single item, no matter how many you plan to sell. When it's time to convert your donation to an auction item, use the Auto-create auction items option and be sure to use or create a FIXED PRICE auction type that includes the exact quantity of items you want available to sell online.

For example, if you want to sell 50 school shirts for $10 each, you will enter ONE school shirt donation at the actual value of the shirt. Then you create the auction items using the Auto-create option. Create an auction type for 50 fixed price items, and insert the $10 buyer's price. DONE!

Selling these fixed price items on paper?

If you're having an in person event and want bidders to either write their bidder number on a ''multiple winner bid sheet'' or your want to create something like drink tickets or wine pull chances to be sold at your event, you will need to create the same number of donations to equal the number of items you plan to sell.

For example, if you have 30 bottles of wine to sell in a wine pull at your event, you will enter your Wine Pull donation with a quantity of 30. Create 30 auction items using the Auto-create option and use the Fixed Price w/printed tracking sheet auction type.

When you're ready to print your tracking sheets or multiple winner bid sheets, navigate to Auction Items & Catalog and choose the Printed Materials option.