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Creating an Auction Item Bundle from Multiple Donations Tutorial Videos: Printable Quick Reference Cards (QRCs):

After completing the on-paper phase of bundling the donations (see Creating Auction Items), one or more Auction Administrators can use the Create Auction Item Bundle page to convert grousp of donations into bundled auction items.

Two or more donations can be combined to form a single auction item. For example, three separate donations consisting of movie tickets for two, dinner for two, and a limousine ride could be combined into one Auction Item entitled "A Night on the Town."

To create a bundled auction item
  1. From the left navigation, select Auction Items & Catalog > Create auction items and select the Create auction item bundle from multiple donations option.

    The Create Auction Item Bundle Step 1 page displays and provides a list of current auction items. In step 1, the Auto-Increment Auction Item Numbers is selected by default.

    If multiple Auction Administrators are creating auction items using the Silent Auction Pro™ software at the same time, deselect the Auto-Increment Auction Item Numbers checkbox in Create Auction Item - Step 1 to avoid duplicating auction item numbers.
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. In step 2, create your bundle by dragging one or more donations from the Available Donations box on the left to the Auction Item <ID number> Bundle box on the right.
  4. Click the Next button.
  5. In step 3, finalize the details of the auction item. .
  6. Click the Add Auction Item button to save this item.