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Printing SOLD Sheets

SOLD Sheets are used to tell auction attendees that an item has already been purchased using the Buy-It-Now option.

SOLD sheets should be printed on a highly visible paper color such as hot pink or green and placed under the bid sheet during the auction. If a bidder exercises the Buy-It-Now option by writing their bidder number in the Buy-It-Now space and signing the bid sheet, the item has sold! Table Monitors should monitor the bidding during the silent auction and immediately remove any bid sheets where the Buy-It-Now option has been exercised and leave the SOLD sheet to alert other attendees that an item has been removed from the bidding.

To print sold sheets
  1. Click the Auction Items & Catalog menu choose the Printed Auction Materials option.
  2. After reviewing the content, hit <Ctrl> P (PC), <Command> P (Mac) to print the pages.