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Viewing Data from Past Events

Silent Auction Pro™ keeps all data from past events in a secure database, which makes the process of running the second event and beyond even simpler. Auction administrators and group administrators can access data from past events by way of the Reports & Exports menu option. Contact, donor, and attendee lists can be filtered and exported from here as well. Also, a complete list of all past donations is available by selecting the Past Donations Report link in the Reports and Exports section. This table can then be copied and pasted into a Comma Separated Values (CSV) format such as Excel.

To locate previous donors / donations

Individual members can view all of the donations donated by their own contacts by selecting the Previous Donations By Your Contacts menu item from the Donations main menu.

The Previous Donors / Donations report is only available to view/export when you have an active event running in Silent Auction Pro. Otherwise, a break down of proceeds, transaction history, previous bid details, past ticketing info and more, is always available under the Reports & Exports > Event History Reports menu option.

Directions to access Event History are found below.

When entering donations, if a contact donated an item to your previous event, the donations page will show a select list with the titles of all the donations from previous event donated by that contact.

To enter the same donation for the new event, select the title from the select list. The details of that donation will then be populated in the donation fields.

Be sure to review the donation information when entering donations this way. Often there is information specific to the previous event such as dates in the restriction field that should be changed for the current event. To locate the event archive
  1. Navigate to the Reports & Exports menu and choose the Event History Reports option.
  2. Select an event (past or current) from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click one of the buttons or links to retrieve any of the following: