Leven Deli Co. Subscription Box
Value: $150
Donated By:
Leven Deli Co.
Leven Supplies and Provisions monthly subscription box provides guests with off-menu Leven pantry items from fresh bread, flavored butters and jams, soups, condiments, pastries and desserts. This box will be set for pick-up each month and will include a special recipe from our chefs as well as a paired bottle of wine. This box also comes with a free glass of wine, draft beer or mocktail on pick-up day as well as 20% off of their check for them + 1 Guest.
The box is for pick-up only. This will start on the subscription for September and will continue through December (4 months of subscription). This can be continued afterwards if the guest chooses to sign-up.
Thank you for being a part of the 2024 Denver Food + Wine Festival Dine Out auction!